Stock Information


  • Stock Status
  • Stock Information

Total Number of Stocks

* As of Dec. 31, 2022

연결 실적 기준
Category Par Value per Share (KRW) Type and Number of Shares
Common Stock (Shares) Preferred Stock (Shares) Total
Total Number of Stocks to Be Issued 500 KRW 80,000,000 20,000,000 100,000,000
Current Number of Issued Stocks 27,028,437 - 27,028,437
Number of Treasury Stocks 5,686 - 5,686
Number of Outstanding Stocks 27,022,751 - 27,022,751

Current Price

2024/07/27 오후 19:18:00 [장마감]


Compared to Previous Day


Change Rate(%)



Compared to Previous Day


Market Price (KRW) High Price (KRW) Low Price (KRW) Low Price (Shares)

Change Rate (%)


16,100 16,230 15,630 206,970
Remaining Selling Asking Price Remaining Buying
25 16,180
1 16,170
10 16,160
1,331 16,150
331 16,140
16,120 10
16,110 51
16,100 5
16,070 618
16,060 435
1,698 Total Remaining 1,119
Previous Price (KRW) 16,200
Previous Trading Vol. (Shares) 180,779
Upper Limit (KRW) 21,050
Lower Limit (KRW) 11,340
Capital(KRW 100 M)
Par Value (KRW) 500
Asking Price for Selling (KRW) 16,140
/ Asking Price for Buying (KRW) 16,120
52-week High (KRW) 25,000
52-week Low (KRW) 13,660
Listed Stocks (Shares) 27,028,437
Listing Date August 8, 2014