

Right path is always right ! ”

Seoyon E-Hwa pursues righteousness management as a core value and will take the path of righteousness for continuous growth and transparent management.

  • Ethical Management
  • Code of Ethics
  • Cyber Audit

We pursue righteousness in everything with the accumulated ability to win the competition,
and conduct business that fulfills our responsibilities to stakeholders.

We will pay attention to even small voices.

Ethical Management

  • Basic Ethics for Customers
  • Basic Ethics for Fair Competition
  • Basic Ethics for Business Partners
  • Basic Ethics of Employees
  • Basic Ethics for Employees
  • Basic Ethics for the Country and Society




Ethical Practices

  • Standards Related to Valuables (Money and Gifts)
  • Standards Related to Entertainment and Hospitality
  • Standards for Unfair Conduct Using Tasks and Positions
  • Standards for Preventing Sexual Harassment in Workplace

What is Righteousness Management?

Righteousness management is management that fulfills its responsibilities and duties appropriate to the expectations, standards, and values of stakeholders such as customers, employees, investors, etc., along with profit creation to become a sustainable company.
Seoyon E-Hwa is dedicated to creating a mature organizational culture based on mutual trust and understanding by promoting the rights and interests of customers and shareholders, establishing companion relationships with partners, and respecting each individual employee as an independent human being.

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    Establishment of Transparent Management

    • Perform tasks based on transparent standards and maintain transparent and fair trade relationships with all business partners.
    • Establish fairness by totally rejecting any special favors related to work duties.
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    Relationship with Partners

    • Grant fair trade opportunities to partners, avoid improper actions using superior status, and pursue mutual interests and cooperative development.
    • Be competitive globally from a long-term perspective by providing technical support and management guidance to partners to achieve mutual growth.
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    Responsibility toward Customers and Shareholders

    • Gain trust from customers by constantly satisfying them and eventually, advance together with customers.
    • Preserve and increase the assets of shareholders by steadily improving the financial structure with the optimization of management efficiency.
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    Contribution to the Country and Society

    • Comply with different types of national and local regulations and contribute to the development of local society with voluntary social community services.
    • Contribute to society through continuous job creation and culture and welfare projects.

Under the corporate management spirit of achieving customer satisfaction through the creative management of human respect, Seoyon E-Hwa has established and implemented the Ethics Charter, Code of Ethics, Ethical Practices, and Human Rights Management Policy to establish transparent management.

  • Ethics Charter
  • Code of Ethics
  • Ethical Practices
  • Human Rights Management

Ethics Charter

Our company shares "customer satisfaction and realization through creative management of respect for human beings" in a corporate management spirit, strives to improve corporate value through enterprising and efficient management activities, grows and develops with all stakeholders.

To this end, we at Seoyon E-Hwa respect all domestic and international laws and market orders, including the following five Ethics Charters, take the lead in establishing a fair trade order, respect social values and customs, and contribute to national and social development through various social contribution activities.

Moreover, we actively practice the code of ethics to create an ethical and fair corporate culture.

5 Ethics Charter

  • 01We “protect the rights and interests of stakeholders and impress customers.”

    • We strive to protect the rights and interests of shareholders and investors and to provide information.
    • We provide the best quality and services to customers and keep our promises.
  • 02We “conduct fair trade and win-win partnerships with partners.”

    • We establish a fair competition and transparent trade order.
    • We pursue win-win partnership with our partners.
  • 03We “create a workplace that is fun and pleasant to work in.

    • We are not afraid of failure, challenge and innovate, and actively cooperate with colleagues and other teams..
    • We do our best to manage workplace safety.
  • 04We “create a corporate culture of trust.”

    • We respect each other as human beings with mutual trust.
    • We promote work to nurture creative talents and provide equal opportunities.
  • 05We “comply with laws and love the environment”

    • We observe and comply with all laws and regulations.
    • We fulfill environmental protection and social responsibility.


  • Respect for Customers
  • Fulfillment of Promises
  • Protection of Profits

Fair Competition

  • Compliance with Laws
  • Respect for Customs
  • Due Process


  • Equal Opportunities
  • Transparent Trade
  • Win-win Partnerships


  • Mutual Trust
  • Self-development
  • Mutual Respect


  • Protection of Rights and Interests
  • Social Contribution
  • Environmental Protection
  • No Bribery

  • No Entertainment or Hospitality

  • No Unfair Acts

  • No Sexual Harassment

  • No Non-compliance

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    1. Prohibition of Discrimination

    Seoyon E-Hwa does not discriminate against anyone with respect to recruitment, hiring, promotion, training, wages, welfare, etc., on the grounds of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, age, family status, social status, political opinion, pregnancy, and childbirth for all employees, and it establishes an organizational culture that respects the diversity of employees. Additionally, the company must provide accommodations related to culture and religion upon request from employees, unless there are reasonable grounds for refusal.

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    2. Prevention of Workplace bullying

    Seoyon E-Hwa prohibits any acts that cause physical or mental pain or worsen the working environment beyond the appropriate scope of work by using one's position at work.

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    3. Compliance with Working Conditions

    Seoyon E-Hwa complies with the legal work hours for each country where it engages in business and it pays all employees reasonable wages for their work together with a wage statement. In addition, Seoyon E-Hwa provides a work environment appropriate for the performance of duties and sufficient training opportunities to develop competencies and improve the quality of life of all employees.

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    4. Competency Development

    Seoyon E-Hwa provides sufficient educational opportunities for all employees to enhance their competencies and quality of life, and creates an appropriate work environment for the performance of their duties.

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    5. Humane Treatment

    Seoyon E-Hwa respects the privacy of all employees and fully protects personal information, and it does not mentally or physically abuse any employee, or treat them adversely.

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    6. Guarantee of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

    Seoyon E-Hwa respects the labor relations laws of the country where the Human Rights Charter is applied to provide sufficient opportunities for communication with all employees.

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    7. Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor

    Seoyon E-Hwa does not engage in any act of violence, threat, false imprisonment, or the like against any employee, and it does not coerce any work against free will by demanding a personal ID or company ID. In addition, all forms of child labor are prohibited in principle, and the company strictly complies with the laws and regulations of each country where it operates when hiring minors and entering into employment contracts. It ensures that the work of young workers does not restrict their educational opportunities. If any employee identifies a case suspected of forced labor or child labor, they must immediately report it to the Human Rights Department and take appropriate measures such as reporting and protection in accordance with the relevant laws of the country.

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    8. Guarantee of Industrial Safety

    Seoyon E-Hwa regularly inspects the facilities, equipment, tools, and others of the business premises for all employees to work in a safe work environment and prepares a support plan for post-management and appropriate measures for the purpose of preventing physical and mental hazards.

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    9. Protection of the Human Rights of Local Residents

    All employees of Seoyon E-Hwa are cautioned not to interfere with the human rights of the local residents when carrying out their work. Moreover, the rights to safety and health for local residents and freedom of residence are protected.

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    10. Protection of Customer Rights

    All employees of Seoyon E-Hwa prioritize the protection of the lives, health, and property of customers when providing products and services.
    We take the utmost measures to safeguard and protect personal information collected through business activities.


What is an Cyber Audit?

In order to establish an ethical corporate culture and to enhance business transparency, we are operating
a reporting system for unethical and illegal acts related to the company. Fact checks and investigations are
conducted on the information received, and all reports and information about the informant are processed
confidentially in a secure manner so that reporting can be conducted with confidence when submitting various information.
Your valuable words become the foundation of a transparent and trusted company.

  • Report Types
  • Reporting Procedure
  • Protection of Informant
  • How to Report
  • Reception of bribery, money transactions, and entertainment, hospitality

  • Embezzlement of public money, theft, and fraudulent behavior

  • Abuse of authority, position and solicitation

  • Violation of the Fair Trade Act /

  • Environmental issues

  • Human rights violations, workplace harassment, and sexual harassment

  • Matters related to work discipline

  • Infringement of trade secrets

  • Information security violations

  • Other issues

  • Report

  • Submission Completed

  • Confirmation with the Relevant Departments

  • Process Completed

Reporting/Consultation Process Procedure

Reports and consultations are strictly confidential and go through necessary procedures such as confirmation with relevant departments and internal due diligence. Please allow a minimum amount of time (15-20 days) to respond to receive progress and results.
Anonymous reporting may take longer to confirm. Also, depending on the content of the report, if necessary, it may be transferred to the relevant department for action.

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    Confidentiality of
    Identity of Informant

    Compensation Payment and Exemption Standards for Informant

    • A certain level of compensation is paid if the report has the effect of increasing the company’s profits and reducing losses.
    • In the case of a voluntary report, the informant is exempted from all liability including sanctions regardless of the content of the report or the reporting period.

    Prohibition of Revealing and Tracking Down Informant

    • All employees must not reveal the identity of the informant, even if they recognize the identity of the informant by accident or on the job.
    • Any activity that may reveal the identity of the informant, such as inquiries about the identity of the informant and inquiry activities to track down the informant, is prohibited.
    • Disclosing or implying the identity of the informant and investigative supporter without consent is prohibited.
    • Violation of the duty to protect identity may result in punishment for those involved.